Persistence of Vision

It must be a very stressful thing to go blind. A member of my extended family has macular degeneration, and has lost all of their sight in one of their eyes, and most in the other. They can barely read anymore, or play cards, and when you are 90 years old, those are two of your main activities.

Here’s a blogger from Saskatchewan talking about his vision problems. If I felt my perfect sight was going to turn into nothing within a few years, I’d start out by panicking. I think that would make the most sense. And then I’d try to develop a photographic memory, and look at everything I possibly could, before I couldn’t any longer.


Seeing the past clearly is a type of vision that Craig or his writers enjoys. This is brilliant.

The bad parts of youth are celebrated in our society because youth is celebrated for its inexperience, gullibility, and susceptibility to advertising. As a result, young people realize they have power because they are cherished over the wise, and seek to maintain the qualities that make them young, rather than aspire to be wiser and older.

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