Not a Surprise: Leftdog Doesn’t Like Sask Liberals ; Bush

This isn’t quite newsworthy, but is worth a laugh I suppose. Leftdog doesn’t like the Saskatchewan Liberal Party. Commenter foudroyaume sent this along to me, since there was[?]/is a delay in it being published in Leftdog’s moderated comments.

[The Sask Liberals] will be lucky to win one seat in 2011.

However, I’m not sure you’re following things, but the NDP’s membership is a quarter of the size it was ten years ago, and half the current membership vehemently hates the new leader. Meanwhile, their strange ideology of government-owned everything is losing currency around the globe. Even the Swedes are rethinking things.

I expect as many Dippers to move to the Greens as Cons are going to move to the Liberals over the next two elections. Also, since Calvert went against his ideology and lowered oil royalties, we have had a boom in SK that has brought back a lot of liberal-minded people who left because of the excessive governance here. That’s a demographic which will only grow with the province.

Add to this the oratorical skills and personal charisma of [Ryan] Bater. A lot of heads are going to turn as soon as he gets a chance to openly debate Wall & Lingenfelter.


Something that is more newsworthy, pointed out by Buckdog Blog, is that the fanatical, war criminal torturer, George W. Bush, is coming to Saskatoon. If it were my city, I’d be out protesting the fact that the RCMP are failing to enforce Canada’s immigration law that prohibits people who have overthrown sovereign nations, from visiting our country.

Omar explains why the RCMP may be standing down, and failing to enforce Canada’s law. It could be because the USA essentially writes global law, including who it can unilaterally decide to invade, even the Netherlands if Bush were arrested and held for trial.

A Newstalkradio commenter notes that George Bush is a stand-in for Bozo the Clown. Fortunately Bozo is expected to make it to the event after all, so Bush can stay safe at home.

18 thoughts on “Not a Surprise: Leftdog Doesn’t Like Sask Liberals ; Bush

  1. The title of this post may be more accurately called: “Not a Surprise: Saskatchewan Voters Don’t Like Sask Liberals”

    A quick glance at the results of the last 3 Saskatchewan Provincial elections shows:
    1999 Election-Libs 20.2%-4 seats
    2003 Election-Libs 14/2%-0 seats
    2007 Election-Libs 9.4% -0 seats

    Blog poster, foudroyaume, who rarely posts on his own blog, has decided to try and piggyback onto my site to spew idiotic propaganda for the Sask Libs. He contends that the Libs will NOT win even one seat in the upcoming 2011 provincial election, but somehow, by magic, the Libs will spring back and WIN the 2015 election.

    I am sorry if I do not have a lot of time for political nonsense on my site. All of his comments have been posted on my site, but it is hard to suffer fools glady at times.


  2. It’s quite simple, Buckdog. The NDP have been on a steady downward trend and the only reason that Calvert ever succeeded is because he was running against Elwin Hermanson. People have been desperate to end socialism in SK for a long time, but there was little in the way of alternatives and the SaskParty had a homely man who no one trusts for a leader.

    Now it’s the NDP who have a homely man no one trusts as their leader. Their downward trend will continue. The SaskParty will remain in power until they lose Brad Wall, and for as long as there is a perception that they are the only ones who can keep the NDP out of office.

    However, three things will happen after the next election: 1) no one will fear the NDP any longer, because they will be reduced to far fewer seats than they have now. 2) Brad Wall will go federal, leaving the SaskParty without the only charismatic leader they could find. 3) whether or not the Liberals win any seats, everyone will know who Ryan Bater is. Unlike the last election when everyone in his riding said “Best candidate, wrong party,” people will have a whole new perception of his party, and many will come to associate it with the leader, as they did during Haverstock’s leadership.

    2011 will get the Liberals noticed as the only party with the guts to openly declare an end to government domination of the economy, and will get Bater noticed as the only leader who stands for what he believes in and isn’t just interested in power.

    2015 will be their chance to make him premier.

    ps, I don’t have time to maintain a blog any more. Forgot I even still had one up.


  3. foudroyaume gives you
    ‘Kindergarten Politics 101’ (with a dose of personal attack)”
    -“People have been desperate to end socialism in SK for a long time,”
    -“Now it’s the NDP who have a homely man no one trusts as their leader.”
    -“2011 will get the Liberals noticed as the only party with the guts to openly declare an end to government domination of the economy”
    -“2015 will be their chance to make him premier.”

    These sound like the opinions of a high school student, who, while they may like politics, has NO life experience to comprehend politics as a ‘science’.


  4. Saskboy, an observation that Mr. Hermanson lost the 2003 election because he is ‘homely’ is not what I would label as “fair and accurate observations” – I know Mr. Hermanson and I don’t think that one’s personal facial looks contribute a lot to either electoral victory or defeat.

    PeteyG on the other hand has not explained to us how Reg Downs, former Chief of Staff to the Saskatchewan Party came into possession of stolen Regina City Police reports and held them for an entire year without reporting to the Regina City Police.

    His comments to the police that they were dropped anonymously in his mail-box did not ring true with the police nor anyone else for that matter considering that his home phone number and address is not listed in the phone directory or online 411 listings.

    Now that that the media also knows which former Regina City Police officer (now with Wascana Centre Police – hired by the Saskatchewan Party) STOLE the material from RPC, this gets interesting.

    More to come …..


  5. Leftdog, fairly or unfairly, perception plays a role in politics. It’s unfortunate that it’s not merit based, but when the masses decide, the average tends to be image centered.

    PeteyG, play a bit nicer, okay? There’s no need for low blows like some blogger’s outing details.


    Newstalk seems to have moderated away one of my comments that seemed to show up for a while at the Bush story.

    I left a link to the ZachBellShow blog post about Bush sounding like a cracked out alcoholic
    when he apparently spoke to the French president before the Iraq War. I mused when Saskatoonians started paying to hear crazy people speak.


  6. Oh, Hermanson didn’t lose on looks alone, but his appearance and demeanor made it a lot easier for the NDP to run their smear&fear campaign. But since smear and fear is all they have, they lost when they faced a leader who is smooth enough to fend that stuff off. And they will continue to lose until they accept that their days of privilege are over, people are no longer buying the myth of our imaginary glorious socialist history (worst poverty, worst crime, worst alcoholism in the country, and our worst environment damage caused by crown corps–that’s the result of decades of NDP rule–that and an aristocracy of privileged party faithful built through patronage appointments (the real reason the NDP wants to “save our crowns”)).

    Brad Wall is currently the most popular premier in Canada, and the Cons are eying him up to replace Harper. I think he’ll stick around to 2011 just to put in the full term and make sure the SP wins.

    Speaking of the RCMP, anyone hear anything lately on the investigation into those forged memberships from the Lingenfelter leadership campaign?


  7. heh, I got so carried away I didn’t finish my sentence:

    …They will continue to lose until they accept…yadayada, and that people are looking for something new. The only thing the SP won on was “change”–completely empty slogan, but it worked. Funny thing is, as soon as they got in, they assured everyone, “no change.” They even passed a law against privatization! Then they closed the REDAs and centralised everything under Enterprise Saskatchewan. The only difference is that instead of calling it “Enterprise SK” and loading with business execs, the NDP would have called it “Progress SK” or something ideologically loaded like that and filled it with party stooges.


  8. I see what Fodey is trying to say, but so far, he’s the only one that was forced to resign of all the people he mentions.

    Talk about not living in the real world. And this guy was NDP caucas chief of staff? Talk about a rank amateur. Running a psuedonym to settle political scores? It’s hilarious.

    I can understand what Saskboy says about taking it easy on Fodey, but when he was know only as leftdog, he was as toxic as CC. This guy deserves to be embarassed.


  9. Well, here’s the problem I have with the NDP fear-mongering: it’s fear based on fear, not on facts. It’s bad enough they were attacking the SP for things not even on the platform, but what gets me is that they have made a dirty word of “privatization” as if privatization is an inherently bad thing and we ought to fear it. As if there’s any evidence that having more Crowns than any other province has done anything good for us (quite the opposite).

    It’s not fear-mongering to say the NDP is obsessed with centralization. That’s their legacy. Even a supposedly progressive (whatever that word means) guy like Ryan Meili was proposing closing health regions and increasing the centralization of health services. And there is ample reason to be worried about centralization and central planning. Despite all the assumptions to the contrary, I find no evidence that government-run businesses do anything better than private ones, and plenty of examples of the horrors of central planning. “Great Leap Forward” anyone? I’m talking about goods, not services. Health insurance and education are the sorts of things that are better off public. Mining companies and liquor stores are not, and the facts demonstrate this.

    Again, it’s no speculation to worry about NDP patronage. Anyone with a job in the public service can relate anecdotes about idiot managers that had poor qualifications, but Party connections.


  10. oh, back to comment 1:
    a) I didn’t say the Liberals would not win a seat in 2011, I said they’d be lucky to.

    b) I know you’d like to limit your site to idiotic NDP propaganda, but that’s not really in the spirit of free speech that I thought motivated bloggers. Then again, socialists tend to be suspicious of free speech. Wouldn’t want any bad influenced tainting the purity of the ideology.

    c)(responding to a later comment) Politics is not a science, and it is the career politicians and their poli-sci hacks that have made government into a club for climbers and patronage-dolers. One reason I like the Liberal idea of reducing the size of government is that with less power, the legislature will attract fewer climbers and control-freaks. As I’ve said, what I like about Bater is that he’s motivated by his moral convictions. He’d be a sitting MLA now if he had accepted either the NDP or SaskParty offers he received throughout the time he managed the Battlefords REDA. But unlike the Liberals who jumped ship just so they could form an anti-NDP coalition, he stuck to his beliefs which are as far from conservatism as they are from socialism.


  11. Pingback: Abandoned Stuff by Saskboy :: CBSA Now More Likely to Pull Weapon

  12. Also part of the law is the concept of “not criminally responsible.” To ascribe full responsibility for the Iraq invasion to an alcoholic illiterate man-child who let others run the show is like trying to fully prosecute Vince Li.


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